Face anything…
free everything!
Heal your psychological wounds and awaken to your deepest nature through embodied spiritual wisdom + skilled therapeutic methods.
We are all searching for freedom from suffering.
In order to find that freedom, we need to connect to our body and be present with our emotions and discomfort. Yet, we often try to escape our suffering by avoiding our pain in a multitude of ways. Or, we get lost in it, unable to find the way through. Both are forms of resistance to our present moment experience that merely keep us stuck in old patterns, identities, and the issues that arise from that. Resistance never leads to freedom!
The essential truth behind my approach is simple, though often not easy: we can free all that needs to be transformed within us by simply facing it in the light of our own being without resistance. This allows the infinite love and wisdom of our nature to provide all that is needed for our healing and freedom.
This infinite love is the only force that has the power and agency to transform us. We cannot solve our issues on the level of the programmed identities that created them.
How is this possible?
Our own infinite being is already fully allowing all of our experience without any resistance—we just need to tap into that and align with it. It is not something your egoic identity can “do.”
My approach empowers you to see and experience what is already free within you, and facilitates being present with all that arises in your body and mind. Together, we’ll immerse ourselves in the loving presence of a powerful healing field, sitting with it all—without moving towards or away from it. This brings about the most profound transformation possible. From here, interventions, skills, and methods may arise, as needed.
The power to heal is within all of us — and you can unlock it.
It’s time to wake up to who you truly are—not a diminished, distorted version of yourself. It’s time to let the gift of your unique expression flow freely and empower your world. As human beings, this is our deepest happiness and fulfillment. And it is available to you, right now.
No matter how challenged you may be now, you already have everything within you to heal. I merely serve as a facilitator helping you to access and invoke your own power.
I know from both personal and professional experience that we all have this power within us—and we can spark that in each other.
You are already whole and free–there is nothing wrong with you.
The good news is that you do not have to heal all your trauma, addictions, shame, depression, or any other issues, before you can realize that you are already whole and untouched by all of that. You just need to wake up out of the programming that has blocked you from seeing this.
No matter what pain or difficulties you are facing, know that there is nothing wrong with you or your experience. All can be allowed without resistance. I can help you discover the transitory nature of all that arises within the loving presence that is unmoving and always here, no matter what is happening.